They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words ....



I joined ForceField Athletics the day it opened. I weighed 140lbs and had little to no mobility in my knees or muscle mass due to Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ulcerative Colitis. I was weak, frail, and did not think I would be able to do it. The first months were the hardest thing for me because even simple movements like air squats and box jumps were nearly impossible to do without a lot of pain. Will kept urging me to continue, saying it will make me better and give me my life back. Since I had no where else to turn I trusted Will’s word and it was the best decision I could have ever made. Over the past 4 years at ForceField Athletics I have truly gotten my life back. With every passing day I felt myself getting stronger and my pain slowly going away to the point now where I am almost pain free. I am 170lbs with most of weight gain being in muscle. I can squat 250lbs, jump, run, lift hundreds of pounds and have never felt better. I can finally by myself in my body and who I want to be. ForceField Athletics hasn’t only benefited me physically it has also given me a family of friends who support me in every way. Whether its through a workout or holding a fundraiser and raising $400 for my charity football game for The Crohns and Colitis Foundation in Oct of 2015. I know the members of ForceField Athletics will always have my back and each other’s. I honestly don’t know who or where I would be without the gym, but I am very thankful for what it has given me so far. Along with the platform to continue to do what I love.   


I tried high intensity group fitness about five years ago, had a terrible experience, got hurt, and have been hating it since. That feeling changed when I first walked into ForceField Athletics and spoke to Will. I explained to him that I tried it before and hated it but wanted to try it again because I wanted to lose weight. We went over my expectations, he helped me set realistic goals and how to achieve them. My attitude towards high intensity, group fitness has done a complete 180, I actually like it now and look forward to going to class. The gym is great, the coaches know their stuff, they're very friendly and supportive and go out of their way to help you. I couldn't recommend ForceField Athletics more! I love it!


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I've been a member at ForceField Athletics for a year and a half now and I continuously am reminded that it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I was an avid, self-motivated gym-goer for many years, but felt like I hit a plateau. I then found myself in a "work from home" role at a new job, and I slowly slipped away from my regime and sunk into the couch. Being a social, active individual, my new job, was doing more harm then good. Soon after changing jobs, I found motivation to give ForceField Athletics a try after connecting with new coworkers who were fellow members there. I will never forget the camaraderie, support, and excitement I felt completing my first workout (which mind you, was one of the hardest workouts we have ever done). Will stayed by my side encouraging me to give it my all. He is a very thoughtful and knowledgeable coach who has found his passion, and it shows. He takes the time to get to know his athletes, their strengths and weaknesses. When modifications are needed, he offers great advice on how to still get the most out of your time in the gym. Aside from the physical gains I've made, the friendships and my fellow athletes that crush workouts, are hands down the best part of ForceField Athletics. 

-Jillian Gregoriou

Will started this gym because it is something that he is genuinely passionate about, and over the past 4 years he has shown that. I was very skeptical about group fitness, but with A LOT of convincing from Will I finally caved and gave it a shot. Four years later here I am, first member at ForceField Athletics and there is not a day that goes by that I regret joining. ForceField Athletics is such a welcoming community and it is so nice to have a place to come and workout everyday and not feel judged. I can honestly say that joining ForceField Athletics has changed my life. Not only has it changed my lifestyle, but I have made life long friends who really do make working out at Forcefield SO much fun.

-Laura Wilcox